To attend the iCUBE Design Conference

The conference, iCUBE seeks to stimulate a discussion about the challenges and opportunities which architects in the broadest sense face, in the hope that the ensuing debate will put them in the best position to succeed.

Divided into three sessions, the conference, iCUBE looks at three varied but interlinked topics of today’s architecture. Spaces, endeavours to look at the increasingly ‘glocal’ culture that architecture has become, while Smart Renewal attempts to take a closer look at how technology is helping us save our only abode. Material Matters delves into the present and future facet of architecture. The resulting speculations should provide an excellent opportunity for discussion and interrogation- an exploration of the imminent changes likely to affect the industry over the next 15 years.

SPACES: From Traditional to Modern to ‘Glocal’

SMART RENEWAL: Digital Technology and Sustainability Thinking

MATERIAL MATTERS: Path Breakers who have Explored and Experimented